Frequently asked questions.

Below is general information about the online classes as well as frequently asked questions.

All fitness levels welcome, however, participants will need to be able to lie down and stand up without assistance.

What payment system do you use? How secure is it?

We use Stripe for the recurring subscription payments. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. Please feel free to read more through this link.

Do I need any equipment to participate in classes?

You will need a soft surface like a Pilates mat or thick Yoga mat and comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement.

What does my experience level need to be to participate in your classes?

No experience is necessary. Just be sure you begin with the foundations videos.

Are there resources that might assist me in learning Pilates?

Yes, this PDF from Stott Pilates is a great resource to learn basic Pilates principles.

Can I participate if I'm injured or sick?

This is not advisable. You participate at your discretion, taking full responsibility for your body. I recommend that all participants consult a doctor before participating.

Do you offer one-on-one Pilates training?

Absolutely! I offer private mat and reformer sessions. Contact me at to inquire.

How do I cancel my membership subscription?

Head to your ‘Account’ and click on ‘Subscriptions’, then ‘Cancel Subscription’.